Unlock the Power
of Personality at Work.

Improve team communication, increase team connection and move faster, together with a one-day Enneagram intensive.

An Enneagram Journey for High-Achieving Teams

Enhance team performance through team understanding

Imagine being able to gift your team with shrewd self understanding that unlocks deeper workplace satisfaction and elite-level performance from your managers and leaders.
The Enneagram has been used for over 50 years as a tool for helping people answer questions like… 
  • Why do I think the thoughts I have?
  • Why do the same things frustrate me in my interactions with others?
  • How can I succeed in the workplace and in my life outside the office, as who I am right now?

Your team will gain immediately-useful insights and skills.

Enneagram typing test results, and a pre-workshop call to interpret their report
Learnings that extend beyond the office to family & community relational spheres
Tools for avoiding common behavioral pitfalls
Recognition of unhelpful patterns and methods to shift
Awareness of ways to improve affect with others
Stronger, more open relationships with colleagues
Insights into the fears, desires and motivations of their type

A Founder & CFO's Experience

I have been a part of many team building and personality-based programs over my career, across multiple industries, and Robert's Enneagram Workshop brought a depth of information and knowledge that I hadn't experienced before.  

By working with the team members prior to our custom workshop he built trust with the team members; he listened to our ideas, requested topics, and specific outcomes, to tailor the workshop perfectly.

The attitudes and perspectives at our company have already shifted, and I see this workshop as a milestone in building our continued success.

– Founder and CFO, Civil Construction Company

Workshop Stats

Participant Satisfaction

Enneagram Journey Timeline

Want to change something? 
Customize your journey based on your team's needs.
Pre-Work Calls
1:1 calls where team members learn about their enneagram type, get familiar with the system, and walk away with actionable takeaways.
1-Day Session
Highly Interactive day where we cover Enneagram essentials and teammates get to deep-dive with themselves and their teammates.
Post-Session Calls
Subsequent 1:1 calls to deepen and strengthen team member learnings after they've had time to practice and toddle in the real world.

Get a Comprehensive Guide for Understanding

The Enneagram Journey comes with a comprehensive guide so that you can continue learning and practicing after the session ends.
  • How to work with each type
  • Each type in the workplace
  • Quick reference guides
  • Bonus: Negotiation Styles & the Enneagram
(Example Page from 30-Page Workshop Packet)
Get a Sample
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Outcomes for Individuals & Teams

  • Know yourself: Individuals leave with more self knowledge: where do they get reactive; how does this impact relationships and decisions; how do they prefer to work

  • Know others: Individuals leave with more knowledge of others on their team and those outside of their team: build empathy by understanding how others tick; this leads to improved communication

  • Common language / apply your learnings: Team leaves with a set of basic language to use individually and together going forward; this language expands possibilities, self knowledge, understanding of others, all in the service of better teamwork, outcomes, and life

Quick Guides Your team will go home with a comprehensive packet plus quick guides they can use to practice their skills

Outcomes for Individuals & Teams

  • Know yourself: Individuals leave with more self knowledge: where do they get reactive; how does this impact relationships and decisions; how do they prefer to work

  • Know others: Individuals leave with more knowledge of others on their team and those outside of their team: build empathy by understanding how others tick; this leads to improved communication

  • Common language / apply your learnings: Team leaves with a set of basic language to use individually and together going forward; this language expands possibilities, self knowledge, understanding of others, all in the service of better teamwork, outcomes, and life

Quick Guides Your team will go home with a comprehensive packet plus quick guides they can use to practice their skills

Meet your Facilitator & Coach

Hi, I'm Robert. I'm a certified Integral coach, with years of experience working with the Enneagram in small, business leader environments. Most of my learning and apprenticeship was directly with Diana Chapman from the Conscious Leadership Group.

My journey to coaching began when I was burned out and dissatisfied as a startup President, and I stumbled into Enneagram work.

At first I wanted to deny my enneagram "type" because I didn't like it, and that's when I learned that it was those very parts of myself that I didn't like that needed to see the light of the day.

Enneagram work can be both deep and light, and as a facilitator I like to meet the group where they are and make learning fun — after all, that's the best way.

Read more about me, my qualifications, and my journey here.

Ready to have fun and move faster, together?

Contact us today to schedule your customized Enneagram workshop and start the journey toward enhanced team collaboration and effectiveness.


What preparation do we need to do?

A preliminary call with Robert to discuss your team's needs. From there, we will handle coordinating with your group, scheduling 1:1s, and pulling together details for the day. As appropriate for your company, we might ask for support on some of the day-of details.

Is this remote or in-person

1:1 meetings are done remotely. The day-of event is preferred in person, though a remote workshop is possible.

Who is this for?

Small teams of 4-10 looking to increase cohesion, communication, and culture.

How much does it cost?

It depends on team size. Reach out for details.

Do you offer refunds?

Our work is guaranteed, and we work with teams who we feel we can support well, so we do as much due diligence up front as possible.

You're welcome to speak with past clients to learn more about their experience.

If you're unhappy with the results prior to your one-day workshop, we'll refund you 1/2 your fee. Leading up to that day there is significant preparation in meeting your team and their unique needs.

How is it different from other team-building workshops?

It's highly interactive and combines some of the best tools available today.

How is it different from other team-building workshops, or specifically, Enneagram workshops:

It's highly interactive and combines some of the best tools available today — that's to say, it's more than an Enneagram workshop. You'll walk away with common language including core tools from the work of the Conscious Leadership Group.